

Before you start using the script you will have to put your corresponding notification system

AddEventHandler('dsPaycheckSystem:notification', function(msg,type)
--	Types used: (error | success)
    -- ESX.ShowNotification(msg)
    TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', msg, type)

Payment Type

After that, select your payment type, true if you want cash or false if you want in bank

Config.ReceiveInCash = true -- If its in true, you'll recieve it on cash (wallet), false it will become on bank.


Select your Target Type if you activated the target system and put the Config.DrawText in false

Config.TargetSystem = 'qb-target' -- Config your exports target (qtarget, ox_target, qb-target or custom)


To activate the DrawText system you have to put the Config.Target in false

Config.DrawText = true -- To use the DrawText System, if you have this on true, put the Config.Target in false

Select your Menu Type

Config.Menu = 'qb' -- (esx, qb or ox_lib)


You can select your model, the coordinates of the NPC, the animation and the directory of your NPC all in the config

Config.NPCS =  {
    [1] = {
        model = "cs_bankman",
        coords = vector3(-545.43, -203.78, 37.22),  
        heading = 209.15,
        animDict = "amb@world_human_cop_idles@male@idle_b",
        animName = "idle_e"
    -- [2] = {
    --      model = "cs_bankman", --
    --      coords = vector3(0,0,0),  -- coords
    --      heading = 0.0 -- heading
    --      animDict = "", --
    --      animName = "" --
    -- }

Because you're using QBCore, remove this line in the fxmanifest.lua

'@es_extended/imports.lua', -- Only for Legacy ESX, remove if you're not using it

Entire Config

Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Framework = 'QBCore' -- ESX or QBCore
Config.ESXOldVersion = false
Config.ReceiveInCash = true -- If its in true, you'll recieve it on cash (wallet), false it will become on bank.
Config.UseFrameworkTrigger = true -- IF true, enable the trigger so you can place it in your es_extended or qb-core, false it will disable it
Config.WithdrawQuantity = true
Config.Timeout = 5000 -- Timeout for the citizen, briefly, 5 secs.
Config.Target = true -- To use the Target System, if you have this on true, put Config.DrawText in false
Config.TargetSystem = 'qb-target' -- Config your exports target (qtarget, ox_target, qb-target or custom)
Config.DrawText = false -- To use the DrawText System, if you have this on true, put the Config.Target in false
Config.Menu = 'qb' -- (esx, qb or ox_lib)
Config.ProgressBar = 'qb' -- (qb, rprogress or ox_lib)
Config.NPCS =  {
    [1] = {
        model = "cs_bankman",
        coords = vector3(-545.43, -203.78, 37.22),  
        heading = 209.15,
        animDict = "amb@world_human_cop_idles@male@idle_b",
        animName = "idle_e"
    -- [2] = {
    --      model = "cs_bankman", --
    --      coords = vector3(0,0,0),  -- coords
    --      heading = 0.0 -- heading
    --      animDict = "", --
    --      animName = "" --
    -- }

Config.Blips = {
    {title="Cityhall", colour=5, id=525, x = -552.86126708984, y = -191.00524902344, z = 37.219673156738},

--	Your Notification System
AddEventHandler('dsPaycheckSystem:notification', function(msg,type)
--	Types used: (error | success)
    -- ESX.ShowNotification(msg)
    TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', msg, type)

Last updated